

★ 下記、インスタンスフィールドへのアクセスをアクセサ経由に変更してください アクセサのメリット1、readOnlyにできる ・メンバー変数をクラスの外に公開する理由は、値の設定だけではない。 公開したい場合 Weak point on Public way-取得にしか使わない…

Error will paginate

I could have used paginate whose information is provide By ruby on rails tutorial Above the picture 'will paginate 'is not function for my cloud9 And I had been looked during two days to find out the solution although . Today I finally fou…

13 micropost error

I need to solve this problem What is the first step to solve this problen? 1.if you don't understand what is the problem In this situation is "Argument error " What is the argument error ? Which is you see that is argument is not exist =ni…

I could haven't added a j query to the " application .java script

I thought this problem caused by version up . I heard before this kind of problem is often occur in a programming . Have to solve this problem ? 1.search on an internet whether solution has or not Result I found (J query - ui -rails )out a…

Active Record ::Pending Migration Error

Why did the error occur ? I did vanish a my migration file and then i remade the file And then before the file would be remain in the sql table orlike that Firstly solution https://qiita.com/one-kelvin/items/6ea00d747ac7e641db32 Secondly L…

ArgumentError in Rails::MailersController#preview

What's the error ? I guessed that simply Mailers controller has not argument As follow sentence is appeared wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) From <https://start-cloned-cloned-taigawatanabe.c9users.io/rails/mailers/user_mailer/account_activation> I thought that given0 means in other wo…</https://start-cloned-cloned-taigawatanabe.c9users.io/rails/mailers/user_mailer/account_activation>