
how do you think about “feeling of accomplishment”?

Today’s I have felt it . why could I felt it ? firstly I have finished my last day of working .since a this year of February I had been participated in Testing which was pretty boring that because it hadn’t not opportunity to grow up mysel…

how to get out from a stereotype?

I think that someway to get out from stereotype or prejudice like these thing firstly I think that you need to recognize what your situation is . Concretely for example, now you are a student and then you always feel go to a school is not …

English phrases

You stay out of this = お前は、引っ込んでろ Stay out of this =これに関わるな Concealable =隠せる

ドイツ語を勉強する方法(how to study a German)?

1.ドイツ語(また英語)をやる理由とは? -大学で選択科目でとったから -英語をやっていて、違う言語にも興味を持ったから -言語学者になりたい(あんまりいないw) こんな感じでさまざまな理由があると思います。 2.具体的にどうやってやるのか? -本屋へ行って…

English phrases

To cater to the base passion =色の取り持ちをする To cater for people’s caparices =機嫌をとる What a match =勝負あったな Take care of the rest =あとは、任せた precautions against fire = 火の用心

English words

English words of meaning keel over to fall over suddenly: He finished the bottle,stood up to leave,and keeled over. Panning out Come to pass ,succeed turn out , Word Origin & History Old English panne,earlier ponne (Mercian)"pan," from Wes…


We need to gain more efficiency -Decrease our commuting time . We need to heal our allergy Improve a technology of medical care. We need to our stress. from smartphone,technological device Why these kind of device is so dangerous?It’ll cau…

why some people oppose to other opinion?

I think that I could understand. Simple explanation ( which is not real story ) For example , some people provide one opinion which is like “ you could earn a money more if you revise your weakness “ but the man said “ your plan is not goo…


まず初めに、トライする必要があります。実際始めるきっかけなんてなんでもいいと思います。 なぜなら、最終的にはあまり関係ないからです。 二つ目に、それを継続する必要があります。実際ここが一番難しいと思います。 自分も継続するのは、苦手でした。 …

English phrases

rudimentary=初歩の inseminate=植える endearing=引きつける groggy =寝起き Circumstantial I almost fell for it =俺も危うく騙されるところだったよ abducting =誘拐する are you still hard-asleep make brag of =〜を自慢する It’s hard to open up =…

ドイツ語の単語(I looked up these words)

Regierungsstillstand=congress impose government Gedroht=threatened vorbereitet=prepared erneuten=again kündigte=announced pocht= is throbbing (a dull throbbing =無味乾燥な鼓動 Haushalt=Budget lahmgelegt=paralysed zieht=attracts Urlauberins…


Peinlichkeit Schwierigkeit Ähnlichkeit Persönlichkeit Pünktlichkeit Arbeitslosigkeit = unemployment ,joblessness,worklessness Aufmerksamkeit =attention Einsamkeit =loneliness Schlaflosigkeit = insomnia Redlichkeit =Honesty Eitelkeit =vanit…

I looked up these phrases on the internet.

Honorable soldier This is unavoidable =不可抗力 Noob =新入りの glued to the tv=テレビに噛り付いて。 Don’t be stupid =バカ言え We should get going =じゃあそうイユことだから=私たちは、行かなければならないから。 I can’t bring myself to=やっぱ…

how much my English level?

I don’t know I show you one of my memo recently I take a memo in English which is sure to improve my English skill in a daily basis. as follows is my memo . I pull it out from my library. Japanese culture Does a native really like their cu…

how much my English level?

I don’t know I show you one of my memo recently I take a memo in English which is sure to improve my English skill in a daily basis. as follows is my memo . I pull it out from my library. Japanese culture Does a native really like their cu…

first time blog
