why some people oppose to other opinion?

I think that I could understand. 

Simple explanation ( which is not real story )

For example , some people provide one opinion which is like “ you could earn a money more if you revise your weakness “ but the man said “ your plan is not good solution based on my experience “ 

why does the man oppose to your plan ? 

He denied that is  base on the experience.

He has his opinion and considering his experience and denied it .


As the point of view , our experience is sometimes good sometimes not good .


how to gain an experience ?

1.you take an action 

2.you could gain it .

you see that is very simple. 


When  not  well , 


1. You would be think why that’s went wrong . 

2. Some people would be analize 

because you want to have a success since a next time . 

But some people doesn’t 


When  success , 

most of people not analyze it ,

becuse you gained the success 


Who could  gain a success finally ?

Succcessor .

a few people analize it , 

those opinion is success is not exist . 

Because once you gain a success which is not real success because real success need to permanently do it which is real success .

campany of president is  often talking about this topic . 


but actually you have just finished read above sentences and some people try to execute it but that would be go wrong 

but some of people tends to make a mistaken in these situation.


what’s is the meaning of “ mistaken  “ ?


your situation is 

1. You  have read a sentence 

2. You meet a success 


3.you stop a practice 

almost all people would be.


this is mistaken !!!!!!




you have already read the story , 



success would really hard for us and it’s a bepends of definitions and yeah like that .