Duplicate error



How to solve the duplicte error ?

At firts time I used this site but it failed



But i deleted the file which is "add reset to users ", my page was restarted

But one more time i added the file to as "rails database : migrate "




I did a migration three times and

This situation  is I migrated three times whose colums so that error is occur

And then why did the error is occur which is one more reson



This is something to do with rails of 'active record' whose function is improve a securities from hacker or like people

So that's why  ruby on rails is popular in the world  and  ruby on rails also simple

According to statics of amrica

2019 , ruby on rails said to be most popular programming language




Do you have a solution to delete a migration of record from active record


 I haven't come up with the plan to deal with  this situation





Above the fike is cloud9 -

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