My memo practice english , express my feelings in english so in 2018

Why did I study programming?

  1. I watched the steve jobs video which was impressed by me and also allows me to change my feeling.
  2. I interested in an application which is using in our society, also daily life which is very interesting, I think, for example, bank of ATM played by artificial intelligence, what's called AI which written by programming languages,
  3. I want to be a hacker who is very attractive for me and also it looks like give me a good feeling and also who can use programming completely, that's why


How to satisfy me?

Do you have the best way to do it ?

I've no plans, I lost my way, I became this situation which is a very serious problem, right now, I cannot feel feeling anymore I want to satisfy my self, hoe to solve this situation, so I'm writing english sentences, to satisfy myself. I wanna catch my feeling . Likewhen iwas elementary high school students, other thigs , when iunderstand the object oriented , I wanna feel once more which iwaiting for. Iwannna also go out as soon as possible  in order tocatch my feeling , now , my feelng is down , but iencounterd  a indian pepole from bangradish , he can speak english , but his accents was not hearable so iwant to train my lisenig to understand what he speak to me , if ican understand what his taking about thig completely , I can feel more good feeling , Icould be stressful out and , now why am I here ? Inorder to make a money , and also feel a good feeling , and since january 4 , I supose to become a java enginner m and also , the nexg job , make me good feeling ,and . Recently , I studing foregin languges like , french ,german , also english , among thee languages , most attractive grammer is german gramme whose gra,mmer has good logic , similar to object oriented, so I like it, , garmmatical differences these language of grammer are , english has many not defineable gramer , french grammer is very solid compare with english , geman grammer is strongerthan english and french .


Today's morning was  not so long compare with yesterday's of night . The time was very good ,brain was clear and also ,not like uselesstime,and also gave me a good feelings but I don't like simply working but not but ,


Today's morning was  not so long compare with yesterday's of night . The time was very good ,brain was clear and also ,not like uselesstime,and also gave me a good feelings but I don't like simply working but not but ,









How to satisfy myself by learning ?


Today was off , and i went to a Caféwhich is located in a Toky owhere is focusing on conversation with English speaker and many people participate in these conversation and introduce themselves , not uncomfortable way many people eager to study English and .

But most of people talking about there interesting thing like , music of , "wht's is the most favorite singer for you? Like these topic was spoken in the café and , but these kind do topic is not interesting for me , rather I wanna taking about like ,do you know the similarities in the languages ?


Like these topic is favorite for me , I wanna taking about globalization and also I wanna improve my english skill through these kind of conversation



Ok todaty of night will be intaract with a customers , but , I have to explain the detail of restaurant , but yesterday was tension and also it was gone, but  today supose to explain cleary , not too much , not think abou too much ,

Today's of goal is to explain about restaurant towerds customer , as long as ican ,


  1. Accept the card from receptioner
  2. And Let's go
  3. I have to tell the customer about the restaurant
  4. Thank you using this restaurant
  5. At first time I have to tellthem something about this restaurant
  6. This restaurant has free drink service which is tee, coffe, water ,otya


I finishdd working today.i could have felt many thing though the shor term working . So, which was very good moments rime when evry thing . Iwanna feel feeking of accomplishment, also get though the workng more , istudy many thing .feeling is wthe worst in my life right now , no scary thing is exust in the wrd , we are not alone, I wanna tell you some thing about me , he sad the.


Wii societies with the low birthlates face a crisis in Socities with low birthlate will be serious problems .but actually there are some solutions to solve problems itsself.

Sum up it ,now taking about thing is a to prevent a serious crisis  in the future.

 first of all my plan is a more immigrants peole into japan .

That is good idea i think.because ,it means more people into japan,

In other words,japanese populations is increase.and also it will be caused more economic impact on japan .for example,in a variety of people come to japan ,those who can speak not only japanese but also other languages.Acording to report of europa of investigotion ,which name is "how many can you speak foregin languages?"which indicates most of europian people more than one language ,the amazing poins is they can speak foregin languages on businees level .

Wow .