English phrases

Don’t tell me =まさか


Piss me off so much =ほんとムカつくなこいつ

Get the hell out of here


Prozen up=固まった




The body went back together =体がくっついた。




I’m Marinating the hogfish in the bag





Run off =はみ出す


The rest of my life = 一生


Absolute obedience =絶対服従






You are sighing a lot=ため息が多いわね






Live off=何々によって生きる


The winds has blown out


Wrap them up


The catch on a suitcase =スーツケースの留めがねo




Play a prank on=ドッキリを仕掛ける


It’s definitely cooked=ちゃんと焼けてる


scoot around =突進している(一直線に行っている)


snack on a potato chips =ポテトチップスを摘む




I use my feet to kick up=Usually when someone says they are going to kick their feet up it means that they just want to relax or take a break.




I’ve gotta like cock one of my legs up




Of mounting the dinghy


A dinghy(or dingey)is a type of small boat,often carried or towed for use as a lifeboat or tender by a larger vessel. ... Dinghies' main use is transfers from larger boats,especially when the larger boat can't dock at a suitably-sized port or marina.




The belly area=お腹周り

Her pregnant belly




Hop in= ride on


wriggle with boredom =退屈してうじうじなる





Dusk and dawn =夕暮れと夜明け







Clogged pipes=詰まったパイプ


A lushly green field =緑豊かな地


To song in tune




Bomb around.




To roamor walk around any given area without having any real planon whatto do.

Dan B bombedaround the dormthis afternoon.

by Ryan QuillenMarch 02,2005







A defeated Army rallies







strike a snag=I encounter a unimaginable problem






demand a ransom=みろしろ金を用意する




get off without a scratch




pulling tight =締め付ける





Starved down


daunting task


I’m stacking




Tied it up=追いついた