I’m running rate how to say in Japanese?

Before I talk about these theme, I wanna 

take about “ keep a daily today “.

Today , when I have arrived at a station , a train which was running rate more than 40 minutes, and 10 minuets later , the train becomes stop during a surgical operation.  

By the way how to say “ stop during a surgical operation in Japanese ?

Japanese called “ unkyuuninaru “ .

Express a kanji “ 運休"which is nominations .”運休になる”which is verb . 

“運休になった” whose situation is the train have already stopped. “になるだろう” the train would be become stop . 

Orher way , the traiin will be arrive at a station 10 minutes later whose way is predict the future. In Japanese, “この電車は、10分後に到着します。”

in Japanese real situation, for example you tell your progress to your boss. 

Completion of future , my task will be finished my  task since tomorrow.

You “明日までには、自分のタスクは、終わっていると思います。”

boss” ok “