Second map


What is your dominant belief about your self ?



What is your dominant belief about your life ?


My life composed by continous study just becuase  your life of plan would be ended up if you could not continue whatever you want


That's why I really claim that you should be continue whatever you want to the things



What is your dominant belief about reality ?



My dominant belief would be composed by my experiences 

Because I couldn't believe whoever say to me


Why I couldn't believe other people of opinion ?


The reason is very simple .


My dream is to speak a foreign languages fluently


My dream is to  speak an English , an French , an German at a native level

And I really want  to improve these languages

I could geek out these theme like etymology like pronunciation also connection word to word





Low self


Mental Attitudes


I've been unfocused


Emotional attitudes

I've been Motivation less


Physical Attitudes

