article memo

Photoshp 挫折

I did the thingis to watch the video on youtube and try to mimic it . But I could not have interesting to the anything . But I thought that my feeling that might be interesting but no so much . I understood my mind that I would be not have…


OUT PUT IS WHENNEVER WHEREVER IMPORTANT But unfortunately those opportunity is less than we imagine, if you are teacher You need to necessary to teach your student .but most of people have not make Opportunity by themselves that have some …

Stop to do something

"Stop to do something is very important for you in other words , it means 'take a rest '" How influence on by take a rest ? The effective some situation very effective some situation not Firstly , I wanna taking about effective situation .…

What do you want to be during three years ?

I wanna go to abroad as a engineer or go off as a international student . First of all , if I go to a abroad as a engineer , i wanna go to Canada or German The reason is in case Canada , I guess that immigrational country so that i would b…

Does AI dominate our life ?

I think that this is some point of view which is true . Why did I think so? The reason is like recently AI conversion increase dramatically For example you know like some of company is using AI robot whose (name is pepper) The robot apply …

Which is best plan to become a soft engineer and to develop a new region ?

Soft engineer or like these region of occupation could be good thing , valuable region in a marketing . The reason is salary would comparatively be higher than other region . They could work wherever they want to which is called remote wor…

I want to travel in the movie

Why did I came to my mind ? The reason is 1.i always watch YouTube and then i think that is very good moment Like my feeling is I 'm in the movie. Come to my mind is movie is very good in other words I thought that many people wanna in a v…

What's the benefit to study an English for me ?

Since three years ago , I'm not good at to make a logical sentence . The back ground is I was not prefer to make a sentence , take a note , reading a paper , reading a book like these staff But I have started leaning a English that could v…

What should we do when we could not get out from the room ?

Recently in japan the problem is increasing Japanese called Hikikomori which is becoming more serious in japan . Why the problem become so serous ? The reason is the problem have been beginning since approximately 30 years ago . But the pr…


これから自分がフランス語を始めた理由をお話しします。 この記事の内容内容 1.フランス語とは? 2.僕がフランス語を始めたきっかけ? 3.フランス語を勉強前と勉強後の変化? フランス語とは? 1.英語とは、違う属性ラテン語族属す言語です。ラテン系には、…

I'm goinng to tell you something.

Today's talk about most important languages for me, for you? I like latin languages. These languages are most important for me .which give me a power , and thinking , promote my abilities. Ok anyway I like these languages. Why am I like th…


Je pense toujours à la structure des phrases japonaises lorsque j'explique en japonais.Si je ne le fais pas,je ne parlerais pas correctment ma langue maternelle Pour faire des soins de santé ,comme la course ,la marche,ces activitiés sont …

Japanese culture of manga

The irregular at Magic High School content Genre (school thing) Evaluation(total5/5) In the school evaluate by magic abilities and school have 1 student and 2 student exist in the school . 1 student call great students on the other hand 2 …