
My memo practice english , express my feelings in english so in 2018

Why did I study programming? I watched the steve jobs video which was impressed by me and also allows me to change my feeling. I interested in an application which is using in our society, also daily life which is very interesting, I think…


Je pense toujours à la structure des phrases japonaises lorsque j'explique en japonais.Si je ne le fais pas,je ne parlerais pas correctment ma langue maternelle Pour faire des soins de santé ,comme la course ,la marche,ces activitiés sont …

Japanese culture of manga

The irregular at Magic High School content Genre (school thing) Evaluation(total5/5) In the school evaluate by magic abilities and school have 1 student and 2 student exist in the school . 1 student call great students on the other hand 2 …


★ 下記、インスタンスフィールドへのアクセスをアクセサ経由に変更してください アクセサのメリット1、readOnlyにできる ・メンバー変数をクラスの外に公開する理由は、値の設定だけではない。 公開したい場合 Weak point on Public way-取得にしか使わない…

Error will paginate

I could have used paginate whose information is provide By ruby on rails tutorial Above the picture 'will paginate 'is not function for my cloud9 And I had been looked during two days to find out the solution although . Today I finally fou…

Error will paginate

I could have used paginate whose information is provide By ruby on rails tutorial Above the picture 'will paginate 'is not function for my cloud9 And I had been looked during two days to find out the solution although . Today I finally fou…

13 micropost error

I need to solve this problem What is the first step to solve this problen? 1.if you don't understand what is the problem In this situation is "Argument error " What is the argument error ? Which is you see that is argument is not exist =ni…

I could haven't added a j query to the " application .java script

I thought this problem caused by version up . I heard before this kind of problem is often occur in a programming . Have to solve this problem ? 1.search on an internet whether solution has or not Result I found (J query - ui -rails )out a…

Duplicate error

How to solve the duplicte error ? At firts time I used this site but it failed http://www.sachingevariya.com/2015/07/pgduplicatecolumn-error-column-already.html But i deleted the file which is "add reset to users ", my page was restarted B…

Tutorial 6.rails console

Above the picture , you see call the rails console , and call a User new , Call the User.First but the result is false Because I have already made a this table at rails console -sandbox whose function is not influence on real environment s…

Active Record ::Pending Migration Error

Why did the error occur ? I did vanish a my migration file and then i remade the file And then before the file would be remain in the sql table orlike that Firstly solution https://qiita.com/one-kelvin/items/6ea00d747ac7e641db32 Secondly L…

ArgumentError in Rails::MailersController#preview

What's the error ? I guessed that simply Mailers controller has not argument As follow sentence is appeared wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) From <https://start-cloned-cloned-taigawatanabe.c9users.io/rails/mailers/user_mailer/account_activation> I thought that given0 means in other wo…</https://start-cloned-cloned-taigawatanabe.c9users.io/rails/mailers/user_mailer/account_activation>